
We wish to express our gratitude to all the magazines, editors and designers that have featured and continue to feature our work!

3D Printed Home - First Ever in United States

The custom, single-story home, currently under construction on a lot owned by the City of Tempe, combines 3D printing and traditional construction to create an innovative model for the future: a scalable, cost-effective homeownership solution to address the affordable housing crisis facing communities nationwide.

Designed by the world-renowned team at Candelaria Design, the new 3D-printed home project is a single-family home with three bedrooms, and two baths. The livable space is 1,738 square feet, and the total project is 2,433 square feet. 70 – 80% of the home is 3D printed, including all internal and external walls. The remainder of the house is a traditional build.

“This is really a moonshot opportunity for Habitat for Humanity Central Arizona,” said Jason Barlow, President and CEO of Habitat Central Arizona. “When we consider the housing issues facing Arizona, the need for affordable homeownership solutions becomes clear. If we can deliver decent, affordable, more energy-efficient homes at less cost, in less time and with less waste, we think that could be a real game-changer. Think of the implications.”

The home has received lots of local and national coverage and is expected to be read for move in late October, 2021.